
This is where I started in the industry. I cut my teeth in 2003 working with some amazing peeled cedar logs.
Using natural logs and sticks can be quite rustic but can also be designed to fit into a more refined space. The design possibilities are endless. I prefer to have a loose idea of a direction and then work with the natural variation of the materials on hand to influence the final product.
I want to give credit for two of the projects featured above to Terrain Planning and Design. The owner Eric is an amazing landscape designer and is very easy to work with. Please check him out if you have need of a landscape designer: http://terrainplanning.com/
Anything built using full round sticks and/or logs.
$500 + Materials are inexpensive, but working in the round can be a labor of love.
Railings for your log cabin to pergolas: no limit to the possibilities.