The name Lion Creek refers to a very beautiful place I would go to as a child with my father. I spent the first 18 years of my life exploring the beautiful and remote areas of central Montana. I came to New Hampshire in 1998 and spent my undergraduate years at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH.
Post graduation, after a couple of job false starts, I ended up working for a very passionate builder. Rob showed me that there is so much more to building than just slapping pieces of wood together. His focus on the art and soul of building and the potential influence in people's lives has stuck with me all these years.
15 years later, I continue to try to bring beauty into the lives of those who I have the privilege of working for. Using my experience in log work, furniture building, Japanese timber framing, and traditional Western timber framing, I passionately bring their vision into reality.
I now live Andover, NH in a house that my wife and I built in 2009. Working out of my barn and trying to keep up with my daughter, Bianca, occupies most of my time. And I try to get back to Montana when I can, exploring again the places I frequented as a child.
Right now, just me, Lucas Fowler. I like to think of it as a very streamlined company. I am wearing many hats and, for the time being, am able to keep up. I have some great people in the wings waiting for me to fall behind and call them for help.

Lucas Fowler

Lucas Fowler

Lucas Fowler

Lucas Fowler